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M. Mikelsaar, M. Zilmer, T. Kullisaar, H. Annuk, E. Songisepp. International Patent application: no. PCT/EE02/00006 28.06.2002. The strain of microorganism Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 as novel antimicrobial and antioxidant probiotic. Avaldatud 09.01.03. numbri WO 030022131 all (


M. Mikelsaar, M. Zilmer, T. Kullisaar, H. Annuk, E. Songisepp. P200100356 29.06.2001: Mikroorganismi tüvi Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 kui uudne antimikroobne ja antioksüdantne probiootikum.


Mikelsaar, M., Zilmer, M., Kullisaar, M., Annuk, H., Songisepp, E. Mikroorganismi tüvi Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 kui antimikroobne ja antioksüdantne probiootikum. Patendi taotleja Tartu Ülikool. EV Patendiamet, patent nr. 12/P200100356, 19.12.2005


Songisepp, E.; Mikelsaar, M.; Rätsep, M.; Zilmer, M.; Zilmer , K.; Üksti, J.; Kõljalg, S. Isoleeritud mikroorganismi tüvi Lactobacillus plantarum Tensia DSM 21380 kui antimikroobne ja antihüpertensiivne probiotik, toiduprodukt ja Komposition mis sisaldab vastavat mikroorganismi ja selle mikroorganismi kasutus antihüpertensiivse ravimi valmistamiseks ja meetod patogeenide ja mitte-starter laktobatsillide allasurumiseks toiduproduktis. Espacenet 2009, WO2009138091. Strain and patent owner: Bio-Competence Centre of Healthy Dairy Products.


Mikelsaar, M.; Songisepp, E.; Smidt, I.; Stsepetova J., Hütt, P.; Zilmer, M.; Truusalu, K.; Kilk, K. PCT/EE2009/000006 Isolated Lactobacillus plantarum strain Inducia DSM 21379 as probiotic that enhances natural immunity and food products and medicinal preparations comprising it. Espacenet 2009, WO2009138092. Strain and patent owner: Bio-Competence Centre of Healthy Dairy Products.2015





Stanislav Tjagur, 2023, (sup) Margus Punab, Reet Mändar. Mycoplasma genitalium and other sexually transmitted infections causing urethritis - their prevalence, impact on male fertility parameters and prostate health.

Risto Vaikjärv, 2022, (sup) Reet Mändar, Siiri Kõljalg, Jelena Štšepetova, Priit Kasenõmm. Etiopathogenesis and diagnostics of peritonsillar abscess.

Tiina Drell, 2019, (sup) Epp Sepp; Madis Metsis. The Effect of Maternal Microbial Communities and Preterm Birth on the Development of Infant Gut Microbiota.

Veiko Vengerfeldt, 2018, (sup) Reet Mändar; Tiiu Kullisaar; Mare Saag. Apical periodontitis: prevalence and etiopathogenetic aspects.

Piia Jõgi, 2018, (sup) Irja Lutsar; Marje Oona. Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of pertussis in Estonia.

Piret Mitt, 2016, (sup) Matti Maimets; Paul Naaber. Healthcare-associated infections in Estonia - epidemiology and surveillance of bloodstream and surgical site infections.

Soeorg, H. Coagulase-negative staphylococci in gut of preterm neonates and in breast milk of their mothers. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 2017.


Ausmees, K. Reproductive function in middle-aged males: Associations with prostate, lifestyle and coulpe infertility status. Disserationes Medicinae  Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 2014.


Truusalu K. Probiotic lactobacilli in experimental persistent Salmonella infection. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 2013.


Hütt P. Functional properties, persistence, safety and efficacy of potential probiotic lactobacilli. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 2012.


Parm Ü. Early mucosal colonisation and its role in prediction of invasive infection in neonates at risk of early onset sepsis. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 2012


Štšepetova J. The characterisation of intestinal lactic acid bacteria using bacteriological, biochemical and molecular approaches. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 2011.


Metsvaht T. Optimal antibacterial therapy of neonates at risk of early onset sepsis. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 2010.


Türk S. Etiopathogenetic aspects of chronic prostatitis: role of mycoplasmas, coryneform bacteria and oxidative stress. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 2009.


Korrovits P. Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis: prevalence, etiological factors, diagnostic tools. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 2008.


Andreson H. Diversity of Helicobacter pylori genotypes in Estonian patients with chronic inflammatory gastric disease. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 2006.


Kõll P. Oral lactoflora in chronic periodontitis and periodontal health. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 2006.


Kasenõmm P. Indicators for tonsillectomy in adults with recurrent tonsillitis clinical, microbiological and pathomorphological investigations. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 2005.


Songisepp E. Evaluation of technological and functional properties of the new probiotic Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 2005


Lõivukene, K. Helicobacter pylori in gastric microbial ecology and its antimicrobial susceptibility pattern. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 2003.


Krüüner, A. Drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Estonia. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2003.


Annuk, H. Selection of medicinal plants and intestinal lactobacilli as antimicrobial components for functional foods. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 2002.


Krüüner, A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis spread and drug resistance in Estonia. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 2001.


Kõljalg S. Acinetobacter - an important nosocomial pathogen. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 1999.


Sepp E. Formation of intestinal microbial ecosystem in children. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 1998.


Naaber P. Clostridium difficile infection and intestinal microbial ecology. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 1997.


Mändar R. Vaginal microflora during pregnancy and its transmission to newborn. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 1996.


Karki T. Quantitative composition of the human lactoflora and method for its examination. Dissertationes Medicinae Universitatis Tartuensis. Tartu, 1996.




Greete Maasi, 2020, (sup) Reet Mändar, Jelena Štšepetova, Merike Jõesaar. Mutans-streptokokkide virulentsusfaktorid.

Siim Isküll, 2018, (sup) Kairi Koort; Paul Naaber. Antibiootikumidele resistentsete Klebsiella pneumoniae genotüübi ja fenotüübi võrdlus.

Katri Pärna, 2015, (sup) Epp Sepp; Siiri Kõljalg; Eve Elken. Integronid Läänemere piirkonna bioloogilistest materjalidest isoleeritud enterobakterites.

Anastasia Bilozor, 2013, (sup) Paul Naaber; Marina Ivanova; Lilian Järvekülg. Application of molecular and phenotypic methods for detection of resistance to carbapenems in Enterobacteriaceae strains isolated in the Baltic region.

Kristiine Pai. Balti regioonis kliinilistest materjalidest isoleeritud Escherichia coli tüvede laiendatud toimega beeta-laktamaaside produktsiooni fenotüübiline ja genotüübiline iseloomustus. Tartu, 2014. Juhendajad: Epp Sepp, Siiri Kõljalg, Andres Mäe.


Natalja Šebunova. Erinevate vanuserühmade tervete inimeste soolestiku mikroobikoosluse molekulaarne kvantitatiivne analüüs. Tartu, 2014. Juhendajad: Jelena Štšepetova, Eeva Heinaru.


Jana Lillo. Inimese kliinilistest materjalidest ja normaalsest soole mikrofloorast isoleeritud Escherichia coli tüvede virulentsusfaktorid. Tartu, 2013. Juhendajad: Epp Sepp, Siiri Kõljalg, Riho Teras.


Ave Ahelik. Oksüdatiivne stress viljatutel paaridel. Tartu, 2013. Juhendajad: Reet Mändar, Tiiu Kullisaar, Sulev Ingerpuu.


Eleri Lapp. Kehavälise viljastamise ebaedu põhjused: suguteede põletikud, tervislik seisund ja tervisekäitumine mõlemal partneril. Tartu, 2013. Juhendaja: Reet Mändar.


Riinu Kiiker. Ureaplasmad ja laktobatsillid viljatute paaride suguteede mikrobiootas ning seksuaalvahekorra mõju tupe mikroobikooslusele. Tartu, 2013. Juhendajad: Reet Mändar, Jaanis Juhanson.


Helen Oopkaup. Piimhappebakterite poolt toodetud bio- ja polüamiinide geeniklastrite biosünteesi molekulaarne analüüs. Tartu, 2013. Juhendajad: Jelena Štšepetova, Eeva Heinaru, Epp Songisepp.


Jana Lillo. Inimese kliinilistest materjalidest ja normaalsest soole mikrofloorast isoleeritud Escherichia coli tüvede virulentsusfaktorid. Tartu, 2013. Juhendajad: Epp Sepp, Siiri Kõljalg, Riho Teras.


Ave Ahelik. Oksüdatiivne stress viljatutel paaridel. Tartu, 2013. Juhendajad: Reet Mändar, Tiiu Kullisaar, Sulev Ingerpuu.


Eleri Lapp. Kehavälise viljastamise ebaedu põhjused: suguteede põletikud, tervislik seisund ja tervisekäitumine mõlemal partneril. Tartu, 2013. Juhendaja: Reet Mändar.


Riinu Kiiker. Ureaplasmad ja laktobatsillid viljatute paaride suguteede mikrobiootas ning seksuaalvahekorra mõju tupe mikroobikooslusele. Tartu, 2013. Juhendajad: Reet Mändar, Jaanis Juhanson.


Helen Oopkaup. Piimhappebakterite poolt toodetud bio- ja polüamiinide geeniklastrite biosünteesi molekulaarne analüüs. Tartu, 2013. Juhendajad: Jelena Štšepetova, Eeva Heinaru, Epp Songisepp.


Borovkova N. Influence of sexual intercourse on vaginal microbiota in infertile couples. Dissertation of Master's Degree. Tartu Ülikool, 2010.


Rätsep M. Antimicrobial properties of Lactobacillus plantarum strains and their application possibilities in dairy industry. Dissertation of Master's Degree. Tartu Ülikool, 2009.


Drell, T. Development of intestinal microbiota in pre- and fullterm infants. Dissertation of Master's Degree. Tartu Ülikool, 2009.


Songisepp, Epp. Lactobacillar starters with special biomarkers: biotechnological management and influence on the lactoflora of products and host. Dissertation of Master's Degree. Tartu, 2002.


Andreson, Helena. Molecular virulence markers of Helicobacter pylori strains spread in South Estonia. Dissertation of Master's Degree. Tartu, 2002.


Lõivukene K. Antibiotic susceptibility of Helicobacter pylori strains and it's relations with vacA and cagA genotype in patients with gastritis and peptic ulcer. Dissertation of Master's Degree. Tartu, 2000.


Smidt I. In vitro and in vivo interaction of intestinal indigenous lactobacilli and opportunistic pathogens Clostridium difficile and Escherichia coli. Dissertation of Master's Degree. Tartu, 1999





Naaber, P., Mikelsaar, M. Interactions between lactobacilli and antibiotic-associated diarrhea. In: Advances in Applied Microbiology. Eds. A.I. Laskin, J.W. Bennett, G.M. Gadd. Volume 54. Elsevier Inc., 2004, 231-260.


Mikelsaar, M., Mändar, R., Sepp, E., Annuk, H. Human lactic acid microflora and its role in the welfare of the host. In: Lactic Acid Bacteria. Eds. S. Salminen, A. von Wright, A. Ouwehand. Marcel Dekker Inc., 2004, 453-506.


Mikelsaar, M., Mändar, R., Sepp, E.. Lactic acid microflora in the human microbial ecosystem and its development. In: Lactic Acid Bacteria, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, USA, 1998, 279-342. ISBN 0-8247-0133-X


Türk S, Kullisaar T, Korrovits P, Ausmees K, Punab M, Mändar R. (2011). Some etiopathogenetic aspects of chronic prostatitis: mycoplasmas, coryneform bacteria and oxidative stress. Charleston, CreateSpace, 98 p.


Korrovits P, Punab M, Mändar R. (2011). Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis. Charleston, CreateSpace, 68 p.






Saar M, Vaikjärv R, Parm Ü, Kasenõmm P, Kõljalg S, Sepp E, Jaagura M, Salumets A, Štšepetova J, Mändar R. Unveiling the etiology of peritonsillar abscess using next generation sequencing. Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob. 2023 Nov 8;22(1):98.


Koort K, Sõsa K, Türk S, Lapp E, Talving E, Karits P, Rosenstein K, Jaagura M, Sekavin A, Sõritsa D, Haldre K, Karro H, Korrovits P, Salumets A, Mändar R. Lactobacillus crispatus-dominated vaginal microbiome and Acinetobacter-dominated seminal microbiome support beneficial ART outcome. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2023 Jul;102(7):921-934. 


Mändar R, Sõerunurk G, Štšepetova J, Smidt I, Rööp T, Kõljalg S, Saare M, Ausmees K, Le DD, Jaagura M, Piiskop S, Tamm H, Salumets A. Impact of Lactobacillus crispatus-containing oral and vaginal probiotics on vaginal health: a randomised double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial. Benef Microbes. 2023 Apr 18;14(2):143-152.


Anh Thi Chau Nguyen, Na Thi Le Nguyen, Trang Thi Quynh Tran , Tuyen Thi Nguyen, Thu Thi Anh Hoang, Linh Manh Tran, Tuan Tran Khoi, Do Quoc Phan Thanh, Xuan Thanh Nguyen, Minh Tam Le, Van An Le, Andres Salumets, Reet Mändar. (2023). Prevalence and associated factors of bacterial vaginosis among pregnant women in Hue, Vietnam. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, x.


Lõivukene, K.; Kermes, K.; Sepp, E.; Naaber, P.; Mändar, R.; Kõljalg, S. (2023). Trends in the prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility of anaerobic Gram-negative bacteria causing clinical infections in Estonia. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases, 13 (1), 29. DOI: 10.4038/sljid.v13i1.8494.


Parm Ü, Tiit-Vesingi A, Soeorg H, Štšepetova J, Truusalu K, Vorobjov S, Lutsar I, Metsvaht T. Effect of early directed implementation of family-integrated care measures on colonisation with Enterobacteriaceae in preterm neonates in NICU. BMJ Paediatr Open. 2023 May;7(1):e001712.


Štšepetova J, Rätsep M, Gerulis O, Jõesaar A, Mikelsaar M, Songisepp E. Impact of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Inducia on metabolic and antioxidative response in cholesterol and BMI variable indices: randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. Benef Microbes. 2023 Mar 14;14(1):1-15. 



Sepp E, Smidt I, Rööp T, Štšepetova J, Kõljalg S, Mikelsaar M, Soidla I, Ainsaar M, Kolk H, Vallas M, Jaagura M, Mändar R. Comparative Analysis of Gut Microbiota in Centenarians and Young People: Impact of Eating Habits and Childhood Living Environment. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2022 Mar 15;12:851404. 


Šebunova N, Štšepetova J, Kullisaar T, Suija K, Rätsep A, Junkin I, Soeorg H, Lember M, Sillakivi T, Mändar R. Changes in adipokine levels and metabolic profiles following bariatric surgery. BMC Endocr Disord. 2022 Feb 3;22(1):33. 


Štšepetova J, Simre K, Tagoma A, Uibo O, Peet A, Siljander H, Tillmann V, Knip M, Mändar R, Uibo R. Maternal breast milk microbiota and immune markers in relation to subsequent development of celiac disease in offspring. Sci Rep. 2022 Apr 22;12(1):6607.


Štšepetova J, M. Rätsep, O. Gerulis, A. Jõesaar, M. Mikelsaar, E. Songisepp. Impact of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Inducia on metabolic and antioxidative response in cholesterol and BMI variable indices: randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. Beneficial Microbes, ISSN 1876-2883 print, ISSN 1876-2891 online, DOI 10.3920/BM2022.003. 


Songisepp, E.; Štšepetova, J.; Rätsep, M.; Kuus, L.; Piir, A.; Kilk, K.; Mikelsaar, M. (2022). Polyfunctional metabolic properties of the human strain Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Inducia (DSM 21379): Experimental and clinical approaches. Journal of Functional Foods, 92, 1−12. DOI: 10.1016/j.jff.2022.105064.


Maasi G, Štšepetova J, Jõesaar M, Olak J, Mändar R. Different Patterns of Virulence Genes in Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus Originating from Estonian Toddlers—Mothers Cohort. Microbiology Research. 2022; 13(4):928-936. 


Nguyen ATC, Le Nguyen NT, Hoang TTA, Nguyen TT, Tran TTQ, Tran DNT, Nguyen ATK, Tran LM, Nguyen DHC, Le TM, Ho BD, Rööp T, Kõljalg S, Štšepetova J, Van Le A, Salumets A, Mändar R. Aerobic vaginitis in the third trimester and its impact on pregnancy outcomes. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022 May 24;22(1):432.  


Cook A, Sharland M, Yau Y, Group P, Bielicki J; PediBSI Group (Kõljalg S). Improving empiric antibiotic prescribing in pediatric bloodstream infections: a potential application of weighted-incidence syndromic combination antibiograms (WISCA). Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2022 Mar;20(3):445-456.



Tjagur S, Mändar R, Poolamets O, Pomm K, Punab M. Mycoplasma genitalium Provokes Seminal Inflammation among Infertile Males. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Dec 15;22(24):13467. doi: 10.3390/ijms222413467. PMID: 34948264; PMCID: PMC8707260.

Šebunova N, Štšepetova J, Kullisaar T, Suija K, Rätsep A, Junkin I, Soeorg H, Lember M, Sillakivi T, Mändar R. Changes in adipokine levels and metabolic profiles following bariatric surgery. BMC Endocr Disord. Feb 3;22(1):33. doi: 10.1186/s12902-022-00942-7. PMID: 35114975; PMCID: PMC8812034.

Kõljalg, S.; Vaikjärv, R.; Smidt, I.; Rööp, T.; Chakrabarti, A.; Kasenõmm, P.; Mändar, R. (2021). Effect of erythritol and xylitol on Streptococcus pyogenes causing peritonsillar abscesses. Scientific Reports, 11 (1):15855.

Mikelsaar, Marika; Mändar, Reet. (2021). Commentary: Gut Microbiome and Space Travelers' Health: State of the Art and Possible Pro/Prebiotic Strategies for Long-Term Space Missions. Frontiers in Physiology, Mar 23;12:651977.


Tjagur, Stanislav; Mändar, Reet; Punab, Margus (2020). Profile of sexually transmitted infections causing urethritis and a related inflammatory reaction in urine among heterosexual males: A flow-cytometry study. PLoS ONE, 15 (12), e0242227.

Mikelsaar, Marika; Jelena Stsepetova, Raik-Hiio Mikelsaar, Kai Truusalu, Imbi Smidt, Pirje Hütt, Merle Rätsep, Epp Songisepp (2020). Polyamines of human strain Lactobacillus plantarum Inducia induce modulation of innate immune markers. Journal of Functional Foods, 72, 19.

Telling K, Brauer A, Laht M, Kalmus P, Toompere K, Kisand V, Maimets M, Remm M, Tenson T, Lutsar I. Characteristics of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae and Contact to Animals in Estonia. Microorganisms. 2020 Jul 27;8(8):1130.

Kõljalg, Siiri; Smidt, Imbi; Chakrabarti, Anirikh; Bosscher, Douwina; Mändar, Reet (2020). Exploration of singular and synergistic effect of xylitol and erythritol on causative agents of dental caries. Scientific Reports, 10 (1), 6297.

Štšepetova, J.; Baranova, J.; Simm, J.; Parm, Ü.; Rööp, T.; Sokmann, S.; Korrovits, P.; Jaagura, M.; Rosenstein, K.; Salumets, A.; Mändar, R. (2020). The complex microbiome from native semen to embryo culture environment in human in vitro fertilization procedure. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 18 (1), 113.

Mändar, Reet; Korrovits, Paul; Rahu, Kaja; Rahu, Mati; Sibul, Eeva Liisa; Mehik, Aare.; Punab, Margus. (2020). Dramatically deteriorated quality of life in men with prostatitis like symptoms. Andrology, 8 (1), 101109.


Sepp E, Andreson R, Balode A, Bilozor A, Brauer A, Egorova S, Huik K, Ivanova M, Kaftyreva L, Kõljalg S, Kõressaar T, Makarova M, Miciuleviciene J, Pai K, Remm M, Rööp T, Naaber P. Phenotypic and Molecular Epidemiology of ESBL-, AmpC-, and Carbapenemase-Producing Escherichia coli in Northern and Eastern Europe. Front Microbiol. 2019 Nov 22;10:2465. 

Altmäe, Signe; Franasiak, Jason; Mändar, Reet. (2019). The seminal microbiome in health and disease. Nature Reviews Urology, 16 (12), 702721.

Minh Tam Le, Thi Le Na Nguyen, Duong Dinh Le, Tram Viet Quynh Ngo, Anh Thi Chau Nguyen, Bach Hoang Nguyen, Huy Vu Quoc Nguyen, Thanh Ngoc Cao, Andres Salumets, Reet Mändar. (2019). Does genital tract infection relate to tubal diseases in Vietnamese infertile women? The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 13 (10), 906913.

Bilozor, Anastasia; Balode, Arta; Chakhunashvili, Giorgi; Chumachenko, Tetyana; Egorova, Svetlana; Ivanova, Marina; Kaftyreva, Liidia; Kõljalg, Siiri; Kõressaar, Triinu; Lysenko, Olga; Miciuleviciene, Jolanta; Mändar, Reet; Lis, Danuta O.; Wesolowska, Monika Pomorska; Ratnik, Kaspar; Remm, Maido; Rudzko, Jelena; Rööp, Tiiu; Saule, Mara; Sepp, Epp ... Naaber, Paul (2019). Application of Molecular Methods for Carbapenemase Detection. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, ARTN 1755.

Vaikjärv, Risto; Mändar, Reet; Kasenõmm, Priit (2019). Peritonsillar abscess is frequently accompanied by sepsis symptoms. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 276 (6), 17211725.

Štšepetova, Jelena; Truu, Jaak; Runnel, Riina; Nõmmela, Rita; Saag, Mare; Olak, Jana; Nõlvak, Hiie; Preem, Jens-Konrad; Oopkaup, Kristjan; Krjutškov, Kaarel; Honkala, Eino; Honkala, Sisko; Mäkinen, Kauko; Mäkinen, Pirkko-Liisa; Vahlberg, Tero; Vermeiren, Joan; Bosscher, Douwina; de Cock, Peter; Mändar, Reet (2019). Impact of polyols on Oral microbiome of Estonian schoolchildren. BMC Oral Health, 19, ARTN 60.

Rostok, Mariheleen; Hütt, Pirje; Rööp, Tiiu; Smidt, Imbi; Štšepetova, Jelena; Salumets, Andres; Mändar, Reet. (2019). Potential vaginal probiotics: safety, tolerability and preliminary effectiveness. Beneficial Microbes, 10 (4), 385393.

Soeorg, Hiie; Metsvaht, Hanna Kadri; Keränen, Evamaria Elisabet; Eelmäe, Imbi; Merila, Mirjam; Ilmoja, Mari-Liis; Metsvaht, Tuuli; Lutsar, Irja. (2019). Genetic Relatedness of Staphylococcus haemolyticus in Gut and Skin of Preterm Neonates and Breast Milk of Their Mothers. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal Mar;38(3):308-313.


Sepp, Epp; Smidt, Imbi; Stsepetova, Jelena; Roop, Tiiu; Hutt, Pirje; Ratsep, Merle; Mikelsaar, Marika (2018). The effect of Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 on the intestinal microbiota and urine polyamines content: A double-blind placebo-controlled pilot trial. Journal of Functional Foods, 48, 430438.

Telling, Kaidi; Laht, Mailis; Brauer, Age; Remm, Maido; Kisand, Veljo; Maimets, Matti; Tenson, Tanel; Lutsar, Irja (2018). Multidrug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Estonian hospitals. BMC Infectious Diseases, 18 (1), ARTN 513.

Sepp, Epp; Smidt, Imbi; Štšepetova, Jelena; Rööp, Tiiu; Hütt, Pirje; Rätsep, Merle; Mikelsaar, Marika (2018). The effect of Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 on the intestinal microbiota and urine polyamines content: A double-blind placebo-controlled pilot trial. Journal of Functional Foods, 48, 430438.

Parm, Ülle; Štšepetova, Jelena; Eelmäe, Imbi; Merila, Mirjam; Ilmoja, Mari-Liis; Metsvaht, Tuuli; Lutsar, Irja; Soeorg, Hiie (2018). Genetic relatedness of Gram-negative bacteria colonizing gut and skin of neonates and mother's own milk. Journal of Perinatology, 38, 15031511.

Soeorg, Hiie; Treumuth, Sirli; Metsvaht, Hanna Kadri; Eelmäe, Imbi; Merila, Mirjam; Ilmoja, Mari-Liis; Lutsar, Irja; Metsvaht, Tuuli. (2018). Higher intake of coagulase-negative staphylococci from maternal milk promotes gut colonization with mecA-negative Staphylococcus epidermidis in preterm neonates. Journal of Perinatology Oct;38(10):1344-1352.

Ausmees K, Ehrlich-Peets K, Vallas M, Veskioja A, Rammul K, Rehema A, Zilmer M, Songisepp E, Kullisaar T. (2018). Fermented whey-based product improves the quality of life of males with moderate lower urinary tract symptoms: A randomized double-blind study. PLoS ONE Feb 23;13(2):e0191640.

Mändar, Reet; Türk, Silver; Korrovits, Paul; Ausmees, Kristo; Punab, Margus. (2018). Impact of sexual debut on culturable human seminal microbiota. Andrology, 6 (3), 510512.

Bichele, R.; Kärner, J.; Truusalu, K.; Smidt, I.; Mändar, R.; Conti, HR.; Gaffen, SL.; Peterson, P.; Laan, M.; Kisand, K. (2018). IL-22 neutralizing autoantibodies impair fungal clearance in murine oropharyngeal candidiasis model. European Journal of Immunology, 48(3), 464470.

Šebunova, Natalja; Štšepetova, Jelena; Sillakivi, Toomas; Mändar, Reet (2018). The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in Estonian bariatric surgery patients. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19 (2), 110.



Vengerfeldt, Veiko; Mändar, Reet; Nguyen, Minh Son; Saukas, Silvia; Saag, Mare. (2017). Apical periodontitis in southern Estonian population: prevalence and associations with quality of root canal fillings and coronal restorations. BMC Oral Health, 17 (1), 147.

Vengerfeldt, Veiko; Mändar, Reet; Saag, Mare; Piir, Anneli; Kullisaar, Tiiu (2017). Oxidative stress in patients with endodontic pathologies. Journal of Pain Research, 10, 20312040.

Roosaare, Märt; Vaher, Mihkel; Kaplinski, Lauris; Möls, Märt; Andreson, Reidar; Lepamets, Maarja; Kõressaar, Triinu; Naaber, Paul; Kõljalg, Siiri; Remm, Maido (2017). StrainSeeker: fast identification of bacterial strains from raw sequencing reads using user-provided guide trees. PeerJ, 5, ARTN e3353e3353.

Soeorg H, Metsvaht T, Eelmäe I, Metsvaht HK, Treumuth S, Merila M, Ilmoja ML, Lutsar I. Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci in Human Milk From Mothers of Preterm Compared With Term Neonates. J Hum Lact. 2017 May;33(2):329-340.


Ahonen, M.; Kahru, A.; Ivask, A.; Kasemets, K.; Kõljalg,S.; Mantecca, P.; Vinkovi Vrek, I.; Keinänen-Toivola, M.; Crijns, F. (2017). Proactive Approach for Safe Use of Antimicrobial Coatings in Healthcare Settings: Opinion of the COST Action Network AMiCI. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 (4), 366.

Drell, Tiina; Štšepetova, Jelena; Simm, Jaak; Rull, Kristiina; Aleksejeva, Aira; Antson, Anne; Tillmann, Vallo; Metsis, Madis; Sepp, Epp; Salumets, Andres; Mändar, Reet. (2017). The Influence of Different Maternal Microbial Communities on the Development of Infant Gut and Oral Microbiota. Scientific Reports, 7, 9940.


Mändar, Reet; Punab, Margus; Korrovits, Paul; Türk, Silver; Ausmees, Kristo; Lapp, Eleri; Preem, Jens-Konrad; Oopkaup, Kristjan; Salumets, Andres; Truu, Jaak. (2017). Seminal microbiome in men with and without prostatitis. International Journal of Urology, 24(3): 211-216.


Korrovits, Paul; Poolamets, Olev; Mändar, Reet; Punab, Margus (2017). Inflammatory reaction found in prostate-specific material ? method standardization and proposed optimal cut-off points. Andrology, 5(5): 958-963.


Kõljalg, Siiri; Mändar, Rando; Sõber, Tiina; Rööp, Tiiu; Mändar, Reet. (2017). High level bacterial contamination of secondary school students' mobile phones. Germs, 7, 73?77.10.18683/germs.2017.1111.


Rätsep M.; Kõljalg S.; Sepp E.; Smidt I.; Truusalu K.; Songisepp E.; Stsepetova J.; Naaber P.; Mikelsaar R.H.; Mikelsaar M. (2017). A combination of the probiotic and prebiotic product can prevent the germination of Clostridium difficile spores and infection. Anaerobe, 47, 94?103.


Tjagur, Stanislav; Mändar, Reet; Punab, Margus. (2017). Prevalence of Mycoplasma genitalium and other sexually transmitted infections causing urethritis among high-risk heterosexual male patients in Estonia. Infectious Diseases, x.10.1080/23744235.2017.1366044.


Soeorg, Hiie; Metsvaht, Tuuli; Eelmäe, Imbi; Metsvaht, Hanna Kadri; Treumuth, Sirli; Merila, Mirjam; Ilmoja, Mari-Liis; Lutsar, Irja (2017). Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci in Human Milk From Mothers of Preterm Compared With Term Neonates. Journal of human lactation : official journal of International Lactation Consultant Association, 33 (2), 329?340.


Soeorg H, Huik K, Parm Ü, Ilmoja ML, Metsvaht T, Lutsar I (2017). Molecular epidemiology of Staphylococcus epidermidis in neonatal intensive care units. APMIS, 125, 63?73.


Soeorg, Hiie; Metsvaht, Tuuli; Eelmäe, Imbi; Merila, Mirjam; Treumuth, Sirli; Huik, Kristi; Jürna-Ellam, Marika; Ilmoja, Mari-Liis; Lutsar, Irja (2017). The role of breast milk in the colonization of neonatal gut and skin with coagulase-negative staphylococci. Pediatric Research, 82 (5), 759?767.


Štšepetova, Jelena; Taelma, Heleri; Smidt, Imbi; Hütt,Pirje; Lapp, Eleri; Aotäht, E; Mändar, Reet (2017). Assessment of phenotypic and genotypic antibiotic susceptibility of vaginal Lactobacillus sp. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 123, 524?534.




Padari, Helgi; Oselin, Kersti; Tasa, Tõnis; Metsvaht, Tuuli; Lõivukene, Krista; Lutsar, Irja (2016). Coagulase negative staphylococcal sepsis in neonates: do we need to adapt vancomycin dose or target? BMC Pediatrics, 16 (1), 206?206.


Vaikjärv, Risto; Kasenõmm, Priit; Jaanimäe, Liis; Kivisild, Ave; Rööp, Tiiu; Sepp, Epp; Mändar, Reet. (2016). Microbiology of peritonsillar abscess in the South Estonian population. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease, 27, 27787.


Mändar, Karsten; Sõber, Tiina; Kõljalg, Siiri; Rööp, Tiiu; Mändar, Reet; Sepp, Epp. (2016). Microbiological contamination of the euro currency in Estonia. Infectious Diseases, 48 (10), 772?774, 10.1080/23744235.2016.1201725.




Mikelsaar, Marika; Sepp, Epp; Štšepetova, Jelena; Hütt, Pirje; Zilmer, Kersti; Kullisaar, Tiiu; Zilamer, Mihkel. (2015). Regulation of plasma lipid profile by lactobacillus fermentum (probiotic strain ME-3 DSM14241) in a randomised controlled trial of clinically healthy adults. BMC Nutrition, 1 (27), 1?13, s40795-015-0020-z.


Smidt, Imbi; Kiiker, Riinu; Oopkaup, Helen; Lapp, Eleri; Rööp, Tiiu; Truusalu, Kai; Štšepetova, Jelena; Truu, Jaak; Mändar, Reet. (2015). Comparison of detection methods for vaginal lactobacilli . Beneficial Microbes, 2015 Apr 13:1-5


Mändar, Reet; Punab, Margus; Borovkova, Natalja; Lapp, Eleri; Kiiker, Riinu; Korrovits, Paul; Metspalu, Andres; Krjutškov, Kaarel; Nõlvak, Hiie; Preem, Jens-Konrad; Oopkaup, Kristjan; Salumets, Andres; Truu, Jaak. (2015). Complementary seminovaginal microbiome in couples. Research in Microbiology, 166(5), 440-7


Korrovits, Paul; Lapp, Eleri; Mändar, Reet. (2015). Couple-related factors of ART outcome. Clinical & Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology, 166(5), 440-7.


Drell, Tiina; Larionova, Anneli; Voor, Tiia; Simm, Jaak; Julge, Kaja; Heilman, Kaire; Tillmann, Vallo; Štšepetova, Jelena; Sepp, Epp (2015). Differences in Gut Microbiota Between Atopic and Healthy Children. Current Microbiology, 71(2), 177 - 183.


Parm, Ülle; Metsvaht, Tuuli; Ilmoja, Mari-Liis; Lutsar, Irja (2015). Gut colonization by aerobic microorganisms is associated with route and type of nutrition in premature neonates. Nutrition Research, 35(6), 496 - 503.


Hütt, Pirje; Songisepp, Epp; Rätsep, Merle; Mahlapuu, Riina; Kilk, Kilk; Mikelsaar, Marika. (2015). Impact of probiotic L. plantarum TENSIA in different dairy products on anthropometric and blood biochemical indices of healthy adults. Beneficial Microbes, 2015; 6(3):233-43. 


Putrinš, Marta; Kogermann, Karin; Lukk, Eliisa; Lippus, Markus; Varik, Vallo; Tenson, Tanel (2015). Phenotypic heterogeneity enables uropathogenic Escherichia coli to evade killing by antibiotics and serum complement . Infection and immunity, 83(3), 1056 - 1067. 





Rätsep, Merle; Naaber, Paul; Kõljalg, Siiri; Shkut, Elena; Sepp, Epp (2014). Effect of Lactobacillus Strain on Clinical Isoletes of Clostridium difficile in vitro. Journal of Probiotics and Health, 2, 1?5, 2329-8901.1000119


Kõljalg S, Telling K, Huik K, Murruste M, Saarevet V, Pauskar M, Lutsar I. First report of Wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica from soft tissue and bone infection at an unusually high northern latitude. Folia Microbiol (Praha). 2014 Oct 11. [Epub ahead of print]


Drell T, Lutsar I, Stšepetova J, Parm U, Metsvaht T, Ilmoja ML, Simm J, Sepp E. The development of gut microbiota in critically ill extremely low birth weight infants assessed with 16S rRNA gene based sequencing. Gut Microbes. 2014 May-Jun;5(3):304-12.


Kõljalg, Siiri; Truusalu, Kai; Štšepetova, Jelena; Pai, Kristiine; Vainumäe, Inga; Sepp, Epp; Mikelsaar, Marika (2014). The Escherihia coli phylogenetic group B2 with integrons prevails in childhood recurrent urinary tract infections. APMIS, 122(5), 452 - 458.


Lillo J, Pai K, Balode A, Makarova M, Huik K, Kõljalg S, Ivanova M, Kaftyreva L, Miciuleviciene J, Naaber P, Parv K, Pavelkovich A, Rööp T, Toompere K, Suzhaeva L, Sepp E. Differences in Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Producing Escherichia coli Virulence Factor Genes in the Baltic Sea Region. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:427254.


Lutsar I, Chazallon C, Carducci FI, Trafojer U, Abdelkader B, de Cabre VM, Esposito S, Giaquinto C, Heath PT, Ilmoja ML, Katragkou A, Lascoux C, Metsvaht T, Mitsiakos G, Netzer E, Pugni L, Roilides E, Saidi Y, Sarafidis K, Sharland M, Usonis V, Aboulker JP; NeoMero Consortium. Current management of late onset neonatal bacterial sepsis in five European countries. Eur J Pediatr. 2014 Aug;173(8):997-1004.


Lutsar I, Telling K, Metsvaht T. Treatment option for sepsis in children in the era of antibiotic resistance. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2014 Oct;12(10):1237-52.


Mitt, P.; Metsvaht, T.; Adamson, V.; Telling, K..; Naaber, P.; Lutsar, I.; Maimets , M. (2014). Five-year prospective surveillance of nosocomial bloodstream infections in an Estonian paediatric intensive care unit. Journal of Hospital Infection, 86(2), 95 - 99.


Pavelkovich, Anastasia; Balode, Arta; Edquist, Petra; Egorova, Svetlana; Ivanova, Marina; Kaftyreva, Lidia; Konovalenko, Irina; Kõljalg, Siiri; Lillo, Jana; Lipskaya, Lidia; Miciuleviciene, Jolanta; Pai, Kristiine; Parv, Kristel; Pärna, Katri; Rööp, Tiiu; Sepp, Epp; Štšepetova, Jelena; Naaber, Paul (2014). Detection of Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae in the Baltic Countries and St. Petersburg Area. BioMed Research International, 2014, Article 548960


Sepp E, Kolk H, Lõivukene K, Mikelsaar M. Higher blood glucose level associated with body mass index and gut microbiota in elderly people. Microb Ecol Health Dis. 2014 Jun 3;25.


Talja I, Kubo AL, Veijola R, Knip M, Simell O, Ilonen J, Vähä-Mäkilä M, Sepp E, Mikelsaar M, Utt M, Uibo R. Antibodies to Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria in young children with different propensity to develop islet autoimmunity. J Immunol Res. 2014;2014:325938.


Türk S, Mazzoli S, Stšepetova J, Kuznetsova J, Mändar R. Coryneform bacteria in human semen: inter-assay variability in species composition detection and biofilm production ability. Microb Ecol Health Dis. 2014 Feb 14;25.


Vengerfeldt V, Spilka K, Saag M, Preem JK, Oopkaup K, Truu J, Mändar R. Highly Diverse Microbiota in Dental Root Canals in Cases of Apical Periodontitis (Data of Illumina Sequencing). J Endod. 2014 Sep 13. pii: S0099-2399(14)00574-3.




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Lill, M.; Kõks, S.; Soomets, U.; Schalkwyk, LC.; Fernandes, C.; Lutsar, I.; Taba, P. (2013). Peripheral blood RNA gene expression profiling in patients with bacterial meningitis. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 7, 33.


Mändar, Reet (2013). Microbiota of male genital tract: Impact on the health of man and his partner. Pharmacological Research, 69(1), 32 - 41.


Punab, Margus; Kullisaar, Tiiu; Mändar, Reet (2013). Male Infertility Workup Needs Additional Testing of Expressed Prostatic Secretion and/or Post-Massage Urine . PLoS ONE, 8(12), e82776


Sepp, E.; Lõivukene, K.; Julge, K.; Voor, T.; Mikelsaar, M. (2013). The association of gut microbiota with body weight and body mass index in preschool children of Estonia. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease, 24, 19231


Sharafedtinov KK, Plotnikova OA, Alexeeva RI, Sentsova TB, Songisepp E, Stsepetova J, Smidt I, Mikelsaar M. Hypocaloric diet supplemented with probiotic cheese improves body mass index and blood pressure indices of obese hypertensive patients--a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled pilot study. Nutr J. 2013 Oct 12;12:138.


Soeorg H, Huik K, Parm U, Ilmoja ML, Metelskaja N, Metsvaht T, Lutsar I. (2013). Genetic relatedness of coagulase-negative Staphylococci from gastrointestinal tract and blood of preterm neonates with late-onset sepsis. Pediatr Infect Dis J. Apr;32(4):389-93.






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Songisepp, E.; Hütt, P.; Rätsep, M.; Shkut, E.; Kõljalg, S.; Truusalu, K.; Stsepetova, J.; Smidt, I.; Kolk, H.; Zagura, M.; Mikelsaar, M. (2012). Safety of probiotic cheese containing Lactobacillus plantarum Tensia according to a variety of health indices in different age groups. Journal of Dairy Science, 95(10), 5495 - 5509.


Mikelsaar, Marika; Hütt, Pirje; Stsepetova, Jelena; Smidt, Imbi; Shkut, Elena; Rätsep, Merle; Zilmer, Mihkel; Songisepp, Epp (2012). Probiotic Heart cheese "Harmony" comprising L. plantarum Tensia influences blood pressure and metabolic health indices (in Russian). Voprossõ pitanija, 81(3), 74 - 81.





Metsvaht T, Ilmoja ML, Parm U, Merila M, Maipuu L, Müürsepp P, Julge K, Sepp E, Lutsar I. Ampicillin versus penicillin in the empiric therapy of ELBW neonates at risk of early onset sepsis. Pediatr Int. 2011 Sep 5. doi: 10.1111/j.1442-200X.2011.03468.x. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21895866.


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Parm U, Metsvaht T, Sepp E, Ilmoja ML, Pisarev H, Pauskar M, Lutsar I. Risk factors associated with gut and nasopharyngeal colonization by common Gram-negative species and yeasts in neonatal intensive care units patients. Early Hum Dev. 2011 Jun;87(6):391-9. Epub 2011 Mar 21. PubMed PMID: 21419584.


Lutsar I, Trafojer UM, Heath PT, Metsvaht T, Standing J, Esposito S, Meiffredy de Cabre V, Oeser C, Aboulker JP. Meropenem vs standard of care for treatment of late onset sepsis in children of less than 90 days of age: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials. 2011 Sep 30;12(1):215. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21958494.


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Uibo, R.; Panarina, M.; Teesalu, K.; Talja, I.; Sepp, E.; Utt, M.; Mikelsaar, M.; Heilman, K.; Uibo, O.; Vorobjova, T. (2011). Celiac disease in patients with type 1 diabetes: a condition with distinct changes in intestinal immunity? Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 8(2), 150 - 156.

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Truusalu K, Kullisaar T, Hütt P, Mahlapuu R, Aunapuu M, Arend A, Zilmer M, Mikelsaar RH, Mikelsaar M. Immunological, antioxidative, and morphological response in combined treatment of ofloxacin and Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 probiotic in Salmonella Typhimurium murine model. APMIS. 2010 Nov;118(11):864-72. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0463.2010.02672.x. Epub 2010 Sep 14. PubMed PMID: 20955459.


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